Author(s): E. Soederling, P Isokangas, K Pienihakkinen, J. Tenovuo, P Alanen
Journal: Caries Research
Volume (number): 35
Month, Year: November 2001
Major topic: Prevention of MS transmission through varying methods
Type of Article: Longitudinal Study
Main Purpose: To compare the use of xylitol gum, fluoride varnish and chlorhexidine varnish for the postponement and prevention of MS transmission.
Overview of method of research: A group of expectant mothers were put in 3 groups: daily xylitol gum chewing for the first 2 years of life or 6 month recalls where either fluoride or chlorhexidine varnish was applied. MS counts were performed on the children at 2, 3 and 6 year follow-ups. MS counts of the mothers were taken at childrens age 6 months, 1, 2 and 3 years.
Findings: Daily xylitol gum chewing by the mother was the most successful in preventing transmission of Mutans streptococci, followed by chlorhexidine varnish and then fluoride varnish. Mothers in the xylitol group began chewing xylitol 3 months post partum. Fluoride and chlorhexidine varnishes were begun in the mother 6 months post partum and repeated every 6 months. Plaque samples were collected from the children at 2, 3 and 6 years of age. Colonization rates increased in all groups over time. At 3 years of age the rate of colonization was: 27.6% for xylitol, 37% for chlorhexidine and 64.5% for fluoride. This makes mutans colonization 2.3 times more likely in the fluoride group. This difference was statistically significant; interestingly, there was no difference between the fluoride and chlorhexidine, or the chlorhexidine and xylitol groups. At the 6 year follow up: 51.6% of the xylitol group, 83.9% in the fluoride group and 86.4% of the chlorhexidine group. The difference between xylitol and the other groups was statistically significant.
Assessment of article: A simple and effective study espousing the benefits of xylitol gum use.
Brian Schmid DMD
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