Author(s): Kelly J Wright DMD, Sergio Barbosa DMD, Kouji Araki DDS
Journal: Pediatric Dentistry
Volume (number): 16 #2
Month, Year: March/April 1994
Major topic: Comparing the antimicrobial and cytoxic effects Kri-1 paste vs. ZOE
Type of Article: In vitro comparative analysis
Overview of method of research: Agar plates were divided into 4 groups: no treatment (control for sterility of experiment, inoculation with Strep faecalis, inoculation and ZOE, inoculation and Kri-1 paste. Also, in vitro cytotoxicity tests were performed using the direct cell-material test of Spangberg and the indirect cell-material test of Safavi… yup, those ones.
Findings: ZOE produced better antimicrobial properties which disagrees with much of the literature at the time; the authors conjectured that this is due to the increased amount of eugenol used to make the consistencies of the pastes similar for the experiment. The pastes were also exposed to L929 mouse fibroblast cells. The Cr exposure for each paste was similar during the initial 7 day period, but ZOE then dropped off dramatically while Kri-1 stayed higher for longer.
Key points/Summary : ZOE is better than Kri-1.
Assessment of article: I hate biochemistry and yet, this article had some good points about how super ZOE is.
Brian Schmid DMD
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