Thursday, March 19, 2009

Root Resorption of Primary Molars

Article title: Root Resorption of Primary Molars
Author(s): Zadik D, et al
Journal: Journal of Dentistry for Children
Volume (number): 42(2)
Month, Year: Mar-Apr, 1975

Major topic:Primary molar root resorption
Minor topic(s: N/A
Type of Article: Investigational study

Main Purpose: To study the pattern of root resorption in primary second molars without succedaneous teeth.

Overview of method of research: 
Radiographic study of 102 children with missing second premolars, either unilateral or bilateral. The existing primary second molars did not have pathologies or large restorations. One group had a unilateral missing premolar. The kids were there own controls for rate of resorption. Radiographs were taken and used to create tables.

Root resorption occurs even in the absence of premolars and degree of resorption is not statistically linked to presence of a succedaneous tooth.

Key points/Summary :
It has been assumed that presence of an erupting succedaneous tooth is responsible for primary tooth root resorption. This study puts that assumption into question.

Assessment of article: 
Great article. It is simple and to the point. Being able to do split mouth studies is a great. Oldie but goodie.

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