Resident: Adam J. Bottrill
Date: 27AUG10
Region: Providence
Article title: Effect of a NONrinse Conditioner on the Durability of a Polyacid-modified Resin Composite Fissure Sealant
Author(s): Lampa, Ewa DDS et al
Journal: Journal of Dentistry for Children
Page #s: 152-157
Year: 71:2, 2004
Major topic: Conditioners and Sealants
Minor topic(s): NA
Type of Article: Comparative Study
Main Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of the simplified conditioning on durability of poly-acid-modified resin composite (PMRC) fissure sealants. The effectiveness of a non-rinsing conditioner (NRC) on retention of PMRC sealants was studied in a split-mouth design.
Key points in the article discussion:
I. Methods:
A. 92 teeth treated in Sweden.
1. Split-mouth study design.
2. First Side: NRC+PMRC (prime&bond NT)
3. Second Side: Acid etch+Sealant
B. An additional 49 treated with etch and PMRC
1. ...but both were "experienced" so they must have the EXACT same technique... right?
D. Teeth evaluated at baseline, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months.
1. given a score based on presence, fracture, caries etc...
II. Results:
A. The argument used in favor of NRC+PMRC is: sensitive steps are eliminated from the procedure leading to a more efficient chair-side experience.
B. HOWEVER... SIGNIFICANTLY higher loss rate was found for the NRC+PMRC method when compaired to the acid etch+sealant method. Even the etch+PMRC showed better sucess than the NRC method.
C. The article concludes... "Conditioning with NRC prior to sealant application cannot be recommended."
D. Bottom line?.... NRC=Shenanigans
Assessment of article: Nice to know, but we don't use it at St Joseph. Closest thing to it might be the L-POP self etching adhesive... but even that is only used at the ED in emergent situations.
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