Laura Sabnani 6/4/2009
A disease characterized by a softening of the bones causing deformities and fractures due to a lack of Vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate
Mostly caused by Vitamin D Deficiency but can also be caused by severe vomiting and or diarrhea
Patients at risk include breast-fed infants who are not exposed to sunlight or patient’s mothers not exposed to sunlight and individuals who are not drinking fortified milk.
Pts with red hair, vegetarians, patients who are lactose intolerant, have renal disorders, genetics (x-linked)
Calcium and phosphate absorption from the gut requires Vitamin D
If the blood levels become too low of these minerals, calcium and phosphate may be released from the bones
Pts can have bone pain, muscle weakness, increased tendency for fractures, bowed legs, growth disturbances, hypocalcemia, tetany, craniotabes (soft skull)
May be diagnosed by blood test showing low levels of calcium and serum phosphorus. Serum alkaline phosphatase may be high
Arterial blood gases may show metabolic acidosis
X-ray may show altered shape of bones
Bone biopsy rare but can confirm
Treatment increase in dietary HGH, phosphates and Vitamin D
Exposure to sunlight, cod liver oil, halibut-liver oil, and viosterolSupplementation may also be used Vitamin D3 (most readily absorbed form)
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