Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Lutheran Medical Center
Resident’s Name: Derek Banks Date: August 22, 2008
Article title: Traumatic injuries to permanent incisors
Author(s): N Zerman, G Cavallari
Journal: Endodontic Dental Traumatology
Volume (number): 9:61-64
Month, Year: 1993
Major topic: Trauma
Minor topic(s): Trauma to permanent incisors
Type of Article: Retrospective chart audit
Main Purpose Analyze the prevalence of traumatic injuries to permanent incisors and their distribution according to type.
Overview of method of research: Case histories and radiographs were analyzed for 178 patients with injuries to permanent incisors (out of a total of 2827 cases reviewed), and data was recorded regarding severity of injury, common sequelae, and patient demographic data.
Findings: The majority of injuries to the permanent incisors occur between age 6 and 13. 80% of teeth involved were maxillary central incisors, and the majority of patients had some level of trauma to more than one tooth. Most common injury found in this study is uncomplicated crown fracture. PDL injury occurs in aprox. 40% of total. 48% had associated soft tissue damage. Alveolar fracture occurred in 12%.
Key points/Summary : People get hurt.
Assessment of article: Pretty good for some rough statistics.
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