Author(s): J. Einwag/P Dünninger
Journal: Quintessence International
Volume (number): Vol 27 #5
Month, Year: 1996
Major topic: The superiority of SSC’s over multisurface amalgams
Type of Article: Longitudinal clinical study
Overview of method of research: Clinical
Findings: One hundred six patients were treated with either a multisurface amalgam or an SSC. All patients had similar amalgam restorations on the contralateral side and thus each patient was their own control group. 83% of SSC’s had an 8 year life span or longer, not including teeth that were extracted for orthodontic reasons. For the amalgams, survival rate was 80% after 1 year. After 4.5 years, the success rate was below 40%. In this time interval, the success rate for SSC’s was more than 90%. 6% of crowns had to be replaced while 58% of amalgams had to be replaced. This study reported similar survival rates to some studies but actually higher rates for the amalgams than others.
Key points/Summary: SSC’s are better than multisurface amalgams.
Assessment of article: Simple, straightforward and supports what most pediatric dentists practice already, but I still consider Quintessence to be a dubious source.
-Brian Schmid DMD
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