Author(s): Eidelman E, Holan G, Fuks A.
Journal: Pediatric Dentistry
Volume (number): Volume 23, Number 1
Month, Year: January/ February 2001
Major topic: MTA pulpotomies vs. Formocresol
Minor topic(s): none
Type of Article: Research article.
Purpose: This paper evaluates clinically and radiographically the use of MTA and Fomocresol in primary molars with carious pulp exposures.
Overview of method of research: 45 primary molars from 26 children aged 5-12 years of age (mean of 6 years) were randomly assigned to a MTA group or a FC group. The selected teeth were asymptomatic with carious pulp exposures, no evidence of pulp degeneration and an ability to properly restore the teeth. The MTA group had MTA pste placed over the amputated pulp stumps after hemostasis was established. The FC group involved placing a moistened Formocresol pellet placed on the amputated pulp stumps for 5 minutes. A SSC was placed on all teeth over a ZOE base. 32 teeth in 18 children were available for follow-up from 6-30 months. The MTA group consisted of 17 molars, whereas the FC group had 15 teeth
Findings: Key points/Summary: One failure was recorded in the FC group with internal resorption at 17 months. Pulp canal obliteration was the most common finding in 9 of the 32 teeth, 2 in the FC group, and 7 in the MTA group with an average time of detection at 12 months. Almost half of the teeth were followed for only 1 year. The author discussed some advantages of MTA over FC including time of application. MTA was placed over the pulp stumps directly providing the advantage of better sealing ability and stimulating a cytokine release from bone cells to promote hard tissue formation. ZOE is an irritant to the pulp and when used with FC is in direct contact with the pulp.
Conclusion: MTA showed clinical and radiographic success as a pulpotomy medicament after a short term evaluation period.
Assessment of article: Good article which provided background information as to the advantages of MTA. However, it did not discuss the disadvantages of MTA over FC such as cost, and waste. There was some confusion as to the sample size as the paper listed the MTA sample size as 15 and then 17 in the methods and results section
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