Author(s): Oldeburg et al.
Journal: Pediatric Dentisry
Volume (number): (9) 2
Month, Year: 1987
Major topic: Evaluate longevity of 2 light-cured composite restorative materials (Full-Fil and X-55) on primary molars over the course of 4 years (both materials were experimental filled resins). Compare the clinical advantages of beveling conventional preparations for primary molar resin restorations
Methods and Materials
50 patients selected to participate
Criteria for selection: age 4-8 yrs, not presently under care of dentist, at least 2 class II and/or class I dental lesions
3 cavity designs were used for this study: conventional, conventional with bevel, modified prep where only was enamel was removed for access to caries
357 restoration were placed by 3 experienced operators using LA and rubber dam, CaOH was placed over all exposed dentin
Each restoration was evaluated at 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 months for color match, marginal integrity, wear, interfacial, staining, axial contour, secondary caries, and postoperative sensitivity
Color Match: change in color over time occurred with both materials and was statistically significant
Marginal Integrity: deteriorated with both materials; x-55 material showing statistical significance
Wear: slight wear with both materials, non were statistically significant
Restoration considered failure if it needed replacement because it was missing, fractured, or recurrent caries present
Failure rates:
Conventional preps - 8.2%, conventional with bevel preps - 6.7%, modified – 17.2%
class I 3.6%, class II 18%, class V 0%
Ful-Fil 9.2%, X-55 12.2%
No statistical differences between operators
Inter-examiner reliability was excellent at 48 months
Ful-Fil demonstrates superior results in marginal integrity, lack interfacial staining, and wear
At 48 months, the 34 out of 39 failures occurred in class II restorations
The class II modified prep. had the largest number of failures
Results favored the class II conventional bevel preps so the authors recommend this one
Assessment of article OK article, we have more information regarding the long-term results of composites
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