Article title: Clinical Outcomes for Primary Anterior Teeth Treated with Preveneered Stainless Steel Crowns
Author(s): Jeanette K. Maclean, Cariann E. Champagne, William F. Waggoner, Marcia M. Ditmyer, Paul Casamassimo
Journal: Pediatric Dentistry
Volume (number): V 29, No 5
Month, Year: Sept / Oct 2007
Major topic: Preveneered Stainless Steel Crowns
Minor topic(s): Clinical outcomes for primary ant. preveneered stainless steel crowns
Type of Article: Retrospective study
Main Purpose: To explore clinical outcomes for Nu-Smile anterior preveneered stainless steel crowns.
Overview of method of research: 226 Nu-Smile crowns were placed and assessed over a mean post-placement time of 12.9 months for the presence of chipping, wear, crazing and marginal location by clinical and radiographic examination.
Findings: In 46 individuals only 2 crowns matched the natural tooth color, 83% of the Nu-Smile crowns were lighter in color. 86% of the crowns were normal in size, 88% resisted fracture for 6 months, and all but 3 crowns resisted any color change for 6 months. Overall 91% of crowns retained good to excellent clinical appearance. Out of all anterior Nu-Smile crowns, canine crowns were the least successful.
Key points/Summary: Nu-Smile anterior preveneered crowns are a clinically successful restoration for primary incisors with early childhood caries. Advantages to Nu-Smile crowns include the fact that they can be placed in a single short appointment and that there esthetics are not affected by saliva or hemorrhage which can make placing anterior composites extremely difficult. Disadvantages include relative inflexibility, brittle, resin facing material that tends to break under heavy force and no crimping of the lingual surface or forcing crowns on to the teeth. Significant removal of tooth structure is necessary, expense, limited shade choice, and difficulty placing multiple approximating crowns in patients with crowding are also disadvantages. Despite some negative clinical challenges 91% of Nu-Smile crowns retain a good to excellent overall appearance after 6 months.
Assessment of article: Good sample size with good results for Nu-Smile crowns. Nu-Smiles seem to be very effective and long lasting, now if they could just get the color right.
it is a shame! is this you ???