Author(s): Roeters JM, Frankenmolen F, Burgersdijk R, Perters
Journal: American Journal of Dentistry
Volume (number): vol 11:143-148
Month, Year: 1998
Major topic: Dyract
Minor topics: Restorative materials
Type of Article: Clinical Trial
Main Purpose: Study to evaluate the effectiveness of Dyract as a restorative material in
primary teeth.
Overview of method of research: 76 restorations were evaluated after 2 years and 37
were evaluated again at 3 years. There were limited to class II and class I restorations at
a ratio of 8:1. Cotton roll isolation was used and material was placed in 2mm increments
and cured for 40 seconds. 2 independent calibrated investigators evaluated the
restorations. Restorations were evaluated on many criteria and ultimately given a score.
Dyract showed good clinical performance and low failure after 3 years of service in
primary molars. The restoration were evaluated at 6 months, 1,2 and 3 year periods.
Key points/Summary :
• Restorative materials used in children benefit from superior handling characteristics.
Amalgam has relatively high failure rates in the primary dentition. Studies have shown
caries on teeth adjacent to glass ionomer restorations.
• There is no need for acid etch with Dyract, but primer should be used. There was no
sensitivity reported.
Assessment of article: We used some of this in dental school and it was ok, but with
composite improvements it would be difficult to want to use a lot of this unless you don’t
rubber dam and are doing a lot of class IIs instead of SSCs.
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