Resident’s Name: Ara Cho
Author(s): MacLean, JK et al.
Journal: Pediatric Dentistry
Year. Volume (number). Page #’s: 2007. 29. 377-381.
Type of article: Retrospective Study.
Major topic: Anterior Primary Teeth, Early Childhood Caries, NuSmile Crowns
Purpose: To determine the clinical outcomes for a sample of NuSmile crowns used to treat anterior teeth with early childhood caries.
Overview of method of research:
Patients of either a private pediatric dentist or public health clinic and had NuSmile crowns were selected for the study. First- or second- year pediatric dental residents or a dentist in private practice placed the NuSmile crowns. The crowns were placed by 10 clinicians total. The children were evaluated at a followup appointment and three nonblinded, calibrated examiners evaluated the crowns. The parent or guardian completed a written survey to assess parental satisfaction.
A total of 226 NuSmile crowns were evaluated in 46 patients. Mean age of crown placement was 4 years of age. Mean time of evaluation was 13 months after placement of the crowns. Each patient had an average of 5 crowns. 91% of the patients were treated under G.A., 4% with nitrous oxide, 2% with oral conscious, 2% with behavior management. 96% had positive behavior and 4% had negative behavior. 24% of patients had history of bruxism and 28% of patients had history of trauma to the crowned teeth.
91% of all patients maintained a good to excellent overall appearance after at least 6 months. NuSmile crowns are a clinically successful complete coverage restoration for anterior primary teeth as evidenced by: 86% resistance to fracture, 71% resistance to attrition, 99% retention, 99% resistance to crazing, and 99% color stability over a minimum of 6 months.
When comparing shade of the NuSmile crown to the natural teeth, only 2 patient’s shades matched. The NuSmile crown was lighter in 88% of the patients.
Key points/Summary:
- NuSmile crowns are a clinically successful restoration for anterior primary teeth.
- Despite some negative clinical changes, 91% of NuSmile crowns retain a good to excellent overall appearance after 6 months.
- Canine NuSmile crowns are the least clinically successful. They are most likely to fracture, wear, and appear bulky.
- There is an increased incidence of attrition with increased time and with bulky crowns.
- Successful results with NuSmile crowns may be obtained by both the experienced operator and the novice.
Assessment of Article:
This article highlights the advantages of NuSmile crowns, however, does not really address the esthetic concerns of the crown. The fact that only 2 patient’s shades matched is quite significant. Only 37% of patients had excellent overall appearance; 50% had good overall appearance.